Monday, April 2, 2012

Party Rock with LMFAO this April 2012!


Party Rockkk!!

Are Ready For Shuffling

Alkisah tak sure macam mana nak shuffle kalau kat surf beach

Pandai pandai korang lah nak buat macam mana

Bagi sesiapa yang ada nuffnang

Nak 3 tiket bernilai RM 138 seriap satu 

silalah berbuat demikian:

- Write a blog post titled “Samsung Presents LMFAO Live in Malaysia”
- Tell us why you want to see LMFAO Live in Malaysia as creative as possible. You may include pictures or videos to support your entry!
- End your blog post by thanking Samsung for sponsoring this awesome opportunity.
- When you’re done with your entry, simply drop the permalink of your entry as a comment on this post.
- Deadline is at 12:00pm, 4th April 2012 (Wednesday)
- Please note that all selected winners will have to write a blog post after the concert.

dan tinggalkan link entri korang di Party with LMFAO this April 2012!

Masih sempat lagi korang nak karang..

Sorry Alkisah dah pencen pergi konsert konsert macam nie

Alkisah kena banyakkan masa bermain dengan Sofea Nur Ramadhani



  1. echa: erkk kalau tak minat.. alkisah no komen

    cik puan: kalau jauh. dekat dekatkan lah.. :D


Cer komen skit..